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There are certain products that will perform a preventive effect specifically for diabetic angiopathy. But what kind of physical activity will help prevent the onset of angiopathy. Weekly access to the pool. Walking. A ride on the bicycle. Climbing stairs instead of aygestin pills. Hiking in the forest. Remember that fresh air favorably affects the composition of the blood and its circulation. Therefore, at least 30 minutes a day, do sports exercises on the street.

If, nevertheless, diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities originated in your body, it is important not to panic, but immediately begin treatment. It is an integrated approach that can stop the development of angiopathy and subsequently completely get rid of it. Diabetic microangiopathy requires careful preparation of the body for treatment. To do this, you need to buy aygestin online a number of recommendations.

Get rid of bad habits. Try to give up smoking and alcohol at least at the time of treatment. Perform prophylaxis of the skin of the legs and feet. Start exercising and doing simple exercises. Control your weight and get rid of extra pounds. Change your diet and add more vitamins to it. Often specialists use atherosclerotic therapy. It consists of several important points. Combat obesity, normalize nutrition. Pressure control. Give up cigarettes. Be sure to bring your blood sugar levels back to normal.

But the general treatment, whichmost often prescribed for diabetic angiopathy. The use of vasoactive drugs. They reduce the development of lameness and relieve pain. Recommendations for correct walking. The attending physician must show how to walk correctly so as not to provoke the development of norethindrone pills. Carrying out vascular operations. Shunting of the arteries in the affected area. Lumbar sympathectomy in a patient. There are also specific treatments for this disease.

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The use of drugs that thin the blood in the vessels. Prescribing drugs with vitamin E. Amputation of the injured limb. Sometimes you need to completely get rid of the entire foot. It depends on the stage of angiopathy. The use of biogenic stimulants. Prescribing drugs with metabolic properties. Taking antioxidants and satins.

The specialist may prescribe drugs that will lower blood sugar levels.

  • It produces insulin and improves the condition of the blood. The doctor prescribes to buy norethindrone online one tablet at first, after which he gradually increases the dose. Helps glucose to be quickly assimilated in tissues and lowers its content in the blood.
  • Assign to drink 2 tablets and look at the reaction of the body. Your doctor may increase your dose depending on your condition. Maximum you can drink 6 tablets. Glibenclamide. Helps the pancreas release more insulin. The initial dose of the drug is 1 tablet. Over time, it will be possible to take 2-3 tablets per day.
  • It also allows you to release large amounts of insulin and fight sugar. The doctor increases the dose every two weeks and looks at the state of diabetes. Miglitol. Breaks down carbohydrates and prevents blood sugar from rising. You need to take the medicine 3 times a day before meals. The doctor in a month can increase the dose of the drug.
  • It is important that the doctor norethindrone drugs that will increase vascular resistance and improve blood circulation.
  • Improves metabolism in the nervous tissue. Helps circulate blood to the brain. He is prescribed 3 tablets per day. Troxerutin. Removes severe swelling and removes all inflammation of the vascular walls. Doctors prescribe the drug for a month, 1 tablet per day. Rutoside. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and stops the development of edema.